
Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

First Day

We landed last night in Auckland. It took us some time to get out of the airport but after maybe 2 hours, we finally arrived at YHA Hostel in the Queen Street.  We checked in and slept, me for 4 hours. We had breakfast, hjamm, and now we are going to do the important staff for our stay. Ird number, a bank and a new sim card.
To mention is that you have everywhere fast food, everywhere.
And germans, never seen so much Germans on one place.

See you

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Tilli, würde mich auf ein paar Fotos freuen um alles hautnah verfolgen zu können und ich habe nicht das Gefühl, dass du am anderen Ende der Welt bist. Ich fühl mich dir gleich viel näher. Ute

  2. Grey and rainy: Same weather as in Germany. And not enough: All the time Germans all around.
    Are you sure youre in the country where you want to be?
    Maybe you slept all the time and at last youve been landing in Frankfurt.

    Greets from Germany
